The Original BMW Parts Catalog 1502-2002tii


The Original BMW Parts Catalog 1502-2002tii

After many years only in hard copy, we are now releasing the BMW Mobile Tradition Original Parts Catalog. This document is all of the original parts microfiche converted to paper document, which BMW published originally back in the 80s. With Mobile Tradition’s permission, we have been authorized as the primary distribution of this document.

Why would you need this document? This contains photographic and textual specifications on every part of the car as it was stored originally. For example, it contains more information on bolt sizes and length, dimensions than BMW has produced in later electronic versions. It shows diagrams of many many parts no longer available.

If you are performing a restoration or doing any repairs yourself, this in conjunction with the factory shop manuals will be invaluable for not only ordering, but exact reassembly of the parts themselves. Learn this book!

This file requires Adobe Acrobat 5.0 or higher to view and print out.

The completed document is over 1,700 pages.

Warning – This file is 78.29 megabytes and may take a long time to download to your computer.

Click here to download the file